There is Really No Mystery to Money
There is no mystery to money. No knowledge of high finance is required to understand it. Money cannot magically change your or your life, but we often live as if it can.
Money is a medium of exchange. Period. It is simply easier to provide bills or plastic than it is to drag a herd of sheep to market every time you want to buy something.
There is, however, great mystery to what God is able to do with your financial picture. If you make the choice to let Him in, God can dramatically change you and your life!
People think of prosperity as a fiscal bottom line. “When I have X amount of money, I will feel better.” The truth is that prosperity is a spiritual bottom line, and the formula should actually be, “When I have X amount of faith, I will feel better.”
– Julie Cameron | The Prosperous Heart
We Spend Too Much & Save Too Little
The percentage of American households that would have some difficulty coming up with $1,000 to cover an unexpected expense.
– Source:
Household income less than $50,000
Household income $50,000-$100,000
Household Income Greater than $100,000
Top Five Money Problems Today
– Source: Money-Rate survey
1. Making monthly ends meet.
“About the time we think we can make ends meet, somebody moves the ends.”
– Herbert Hoover
2. Little retirement savings.
3. Too much debt.
4. Making poor decisions.
5. Unable to enjoy money.
“We cannot change what we are not aware of, and once we are aware, we cannot help but change.”
– Sheryl Sandberg.
What Does god say about money?
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
– Jeremiah 29:11
1. It's not yours.
The first step in getting your finances under control is to understand whose money it really is. It’s not yours.
– Doug Britton
2. It's His.
The world is mine, and all that is in it.
– Psalm 50:12
We like to think of our money and our possessions. Yet the Bible makes it clear that God owns everything. All things were created by him and for him… everything belongs to him.
– Doug Britton
“God has bigger purposes than increasing our standard of living: He wants to increase our standard of giving.”
– Randy Alcorn
- References to faith in the bible – almost 500
- References to prayer in the bible – more than 600
- References to money in the bible – 1,200 to 2,350
Source: |
According to H.B.Charles Jr., Pastor-Teacher at the Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist Church of Jacksonville and Orange Park, Florida, the Bible contains “more than 600 references to prayer…and there are almost 500 references to faith. But, there are over 2,350 references to money. One out of every ten verses in the Gospels is about riches, wealth, or material possessions.” Peter Anderson of states, “The Bible has a lot to say about money, wealth, greed, contentment and a variety of other topics as they pertain to our financial and spiritual lives. Over the years I’ve heard it said more than once that the Bible has well over 2,000 verses about money.”
Other biblical writers and religious leaders claim there are 1,200 or more direct or indirect references to money in the Bible. The exact number may be debatable, but there is a collective finding that scriptural references to money outnumber those about faith and prayer, indicating finances certainly have an important place in our lives. God cares about us and our money. He equates our use of money to our relationship with Him.
An Ethical $pender understands that God cares more about beliefs and behaviors towards money, than money itself.
No one can serve two masters, either you will hate the one and love the
other, or you will be devoted to one and despise the other.
– Luke 16:13
God wants us to keep money in perspective, a very specific perspective based on values. He has plans for you and your money. Plans to prosper and not to harm you. What the word of God tells us about finances is often quite different than what the world tells us.
The world wants your money, not your peace of mind.
Ethical $pending
Your Choice | God's Miracle
No judgment. We know it gets hard sometimes.
It will be easier once you find wisdom and gain understanding.
God will bless you in seemingly impossible ways!
Ethical $pending is a CHOICE to base your MONEY beliefs & behaviors on spiritual VALUES.