Ethical $pending
What is Ethical $pending?
Ethical $pending is an encouraging website. It is a place of refuge designed to bring hope to anyone who is feeling financially inadequate.
Ethical $pending does not offer or provide you with more money or a get-rich-quick scheme. It does, however, provide you with a safe dwelling place to visit while you sort through financial priorities or worries. Ethical $pending is not a “self-help” program. It is a “with God’s help” solution.
Money | Values | Choice
Who is it for?
Ethical $pending is a website created for good, but imperfect people. People who have made, or continue to make, self-defeating, self-limiting, or self-serving choices in how they view or manage money. That includes me. And you. And just about everyone we know.
Money | Values | Choice
Why Ethical $pending?
Because it is important for you to know that God cares about your finances and already has a plan in place for you. He does not want you to be afraid, anxious, ashamed, blind, broken, confused, controlled, or depressed about money. We all need a light sometimes to help us through the darkness.
Money | Values | Choice
How will it benefit me?
Through scripture and education, God’s Word intersects with your money management beliefs and behaviors to help align your spiritual values with your financial choices.
Over time you will begin to feel a sense of order, a gentle peace, a clear direction, and an awareness of God’s promise of a better and more prosperous tomorrow.
Money | Values | Choice
When do I use it?
Ethical $pending is a place of refuge you can visit privately through your own computer, tablet, or smartphone … anytime.
This is important. Because money beliefs and behaviors are often accompanied by denial, embarrassment, pride, and shame, making it difficult to reach out for support or guidance.
Ethical $pending makes it easy for you to identify the beliefs and behaviors that help or hinder your money management skills, while supplying you with financial education and spiritual direction.
A new VALUE page will be added every month. Feel free to return to the site again and again. Discover what happens over time as you make the CHOICE to apply VALUES to your MONEY management beliefs and behaviors.
You can apply the knowledge gained from Ethical $pending every time you feel a need to change a belief or behavior that is hindering your ability to have a healthy and loving relationship with God or with money.
Money | Values | Choice
How is it different?
Ethical $pending does not sell “stuff” or accept ads from companies trying to get you to buy their “stuff.” You are bombarded enough by people and companies with a sole agenda: To separate you from your money.
In contrast, we at Ethical $pending have a soul agenda:
To provide you with a place of refuge while you sort through financial priorities and worries
- To bring hope to you when you are feeling spiritually or financially inadequate
- To assure you that you are not alone
- To help you change your money beliefs and behaviors by letting God help you change your heart
We have no desire to loan you money so you can pay back other companies that have loaned you money.
We have no desire to watch you waste your hard-earned money on a book or a program that will teach you how to stop wasting your hard-earned money.
All information and education provided by Ethical $pending is free. Just our way of passing on to you what some professionals and a few ordinary people have to say about healthy and mature money management.
Refreshing! Isn’t it?
Money | Values | Choice
Conflict occurs when your beliefs and behaviors are not congruent with your values.
– Unknown
Values are tools to help you distinguish right from wrong.
- They define you as an individual
- They help you decide what is important
- They determine how you behave
If you do not live by values, you will misbehave.
You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.
– Dr. Seuss
Every choice you make is in the context of whatever value system you have selected to govern your life.
When you apply Christian values to the choices you make about money beliefs and behaviors, your personal finances become less complicated, your life becomes more peaceful, and you grow spiritually in the process.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope.”
– Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)
Ethical $pending
A safe place to study God’s Word and expectations in the area of personal finances and to evaluate your money management strengths and weaknesses, regrets and failures, hopes and dreams.
It’s O.K. to not be O.K. Just let go, let His arms wrap around you…
Ethical $pending
Your Choice | God's Miracle
No judgment. We know it gets hard sometimes.
It will be easier once you find wisdom and gain understanding.
God will bless you in seemingly impossible ways!
Ethical $pending is a CHOICE to base your MONEY beliefs & behaviors on spiritual VALUES.